Skin, Face & Neck Concerns
Putting your best face forward is something we all strive to do, and we understand that concerns in this area can be sensitive issues. We are here to help you address your unease, and have a wide variety of treatments for all conditions.
Acne & Acne Scarring
Acne is the most common and one of the most frustrating skin conditions, afflicting people of all ages and ethnicities. Most of us experience acne breakouts at sometime in our lives, usually in adolescent years. However, individuals with acne-prone skin continue to experience acne breakouts into their adulthood. Breakouts can happen in the face, shoulders, back, neck, arms, and chest. Acne breakouts can cause discomfort, inflammation, and sometimes leave acne scars.
Breakouts can happen for a variety of reasons ranging anywhere from excessive oil production in your skin to normal hormonal changes. We can help you gain control of your acne with over-the-counter skincare products, and other prescription medications. Peels and laser treatments are great for the removal of acne and acne scarring.
Possible treatments for acne and acne scarring:
Facial Peels | Microneedling | Microdermabrasion | Plasma Pen | PCA Skin Home Care

Aging & Discolorations
When your skin over produces melanin (the pigment responsible for skin and hair color) and shows up as spots darker than your natural skin tone, the result is hyperpigmentation. There are many causes but mainly, it results from:
Sun damage – Sun exposure causes a release of melanin, which is the reason that your skin turns darker after some time in the sun.
Melasma – Sometimes triggered by changes in hormones, birth control pills, and pregnancy. It appears as symmetric, blotchy patches on the face.
Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation – Injury or inflammation to the skin (in the form of acne, dermatitis, eczema, bug bites) can result in the development of dark brown, pink, or red spots.
Possible treatments for skin textures and scarring:
Facial Peels | Microneedling | Microdermabrasion PCA Skin & Factor Five
Skin Texture / Scars
Unlike uneven skin tone, which can be more easily masked with makeup, uneven skin texture is difficult to improve without help from a skin care professional. There are a handful of common causes of uneven skin texture: sometime it is genetics— enlarged pores or bumpy skin can cause bumpy skin. Other factors include:
Acne and acne scarring
Aging - excess buildup that makes skin rough and bumpy
Lifestyle habits like smoking and sun damage
Skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, etc.
Possible treatments for skin texture improvement and scars:
Facial Peels | Microneedling | Microdermabrasion | Hydrafacials | Plasma Pen | Factor Five Serum
Eye Concerns: Dark Circles, Loose Skin
The appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and under eye circles can make us look tired and under the weather, even when we feel energized and youthful on the inside.
A lot of times the cause is purely genetic, while some additional causes of under eye circles and puffiness can include:
Overexposure to the sun, which causes photoaging of the skin
The natural aging process
Lifestyle factors like smoking and excess alcohol consumption
Lack of sleep
Possible treatments for eye concerns:
Plasma Pen | Facial Peels | Fillers & Injectables | Home Care | Microneedling
Redness: Blood Vessels / Rosacea
Rosacea is a common disorder that mainly affects skin on the face. It causes redness on the nose, chin, cheeks, and forehead. Over time, the redness can become more intense, taking on a ruddy appearance. Blood vessels may become visible.
The cause of rosacea is not known, but elements of the disease process have been identified. One theory is that rosacea may be due to a disorder of the neurovascular system (nerves, veins, arteries) or the immune system.
Possible treatments for facial redness:

Facial Volume Loss
Loss of facial volume is one of the main reasons people look older than they have to. As we age, skin volume declines, often unevenly, much like a grape turning into a raisin. The process is called “soft-tissue atrophy” and results in:
Sagging skin (laxity)
Wrinkles and fine lines
Withered (atrophied) soft tissue
Loss of facial volume can be a natural result from weight loss, excess sun exposure, smoking, medical conditions, or the aging process. Areas of the face may begin to lose their structural support as natural collagen production declines, along with an individual's youthful appearance.
Possible treatments for facial volume loss:
Lines & Wrinkles
We all get wrinkles as we get older. They're a normal part of aging. Wrinkles mainly happen on the parts of the body that get the most sun exposure, including the face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms.
Wrinkles fall into two categories: fine, surface lines and deeper furrows. With age, skin cells divide more slowly, and the skin's inner layer, called the dermis, begins to thin. That starts to undo skin's stretchiness and structure.
Aging skin also starts to lose its ability to hold on to moisture. It makes less oil and is slower to heal. That all contributes to the wrinkling process. Other things that cause wrinkles are:
Skin type (people with light-colored skin and blue eyes are more susceptible to sun damage)
Heredity (some families wrinkle more)
Sun exposure
Repeated facial expressions
Possible treatments for lines & wrinkles:
Fillers & Injectables | Microdermabrasion | Microneedling | Plasma Pen
Loose Skin
Saggy skin, on both the face and body, is often associated with the loss of fat. The deterioration or reduction of collagen and elastin in the dermis are another cause of saggy skin.
While anyone can get saggy skin, it’s more likely to occur in people as they age. People who have lost significant amounts of weight are also more susceptible. Certain medical conditions may also be the cause.
Common facial areas where you might see saggy skin include:
Possible treatments for loose skin:
Thin Lips
Just like the loss of volume in other areas of your face, thinning lips is caused by the breakdown of fat pads underneath the skin. Regardless of whether you have ample fat pads or not, thinning is part of aging. While everyone is prone to lip thinning, if you are born with naturally thin lips, the aging effects can be more obvious.
Preventing volume loss isn’t easy—especially because genetics play a major role. Luckily, there are many treatments that can help plump your lips back to your youthful pout.
Possible treatments for thin lips:
Excess Neck Fat
A double chin, also known as submental fat, is a common occurrence that happens when a layer of fat forms below your chin. A double chin is often associated with weight gain, but you don’t have to have excess weight to have one. Genetics or looser skin resulting from aging may also cause a double chin.
Luckily, treatments for excess neck fat have come very far and we have cutting-edge technology that can help you smooth and diminish that unwanted fat.
Possible treatments for excess neck fat:
Loose Neck Skin
Loose neck skin be hereditary, appear after weight gain and weight loss, sun damages, or as a natural consequence of aging. When neck skin loses its elasticity, it may appear wrinkled and sagging. Another common concern on the neck is strong muscles causing neck cords to appear more noticeable. We offer different treatments for neck skin that can drastically improve your appearance and confidence.
Possible treatments loose neck skin: