Hair Concerns

Hair can certainly have a mind of its own — whether it’s thinning on your crown, or unwanted hair on your body, most of us will have hair issues someday. Our hair solutions will help you regain the locks you love, or lose the stubborn ones you don’t!

Hair Loss

As people get older, their rate of hair growth slows. There are many types of hair loss, including Involutional alopecia, which is a natural condition in which the hair gradually thins with age. More hair follicles go into the resting phase, and the remaining hairs become shorter and fewer in number.

But a new, natural therapy may offer more patients hope for hair restoration without surgery, pills, or topical ointments. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a novel procedure that uses your own blood platelets – a type of cell that helps with healing throughout the body – to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair.

Treatment for hair loss:


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Unwanted Hair

Ingrown hairs, painful wax treatments, and disappointments from inferior products has a lot of us frustrated with unwanted hair. Luckily our expertise with laser hair removal can help you get rid of those pesky strays, or lead to a dramatic reduction of body hair. Our treatments are designed to reduce body hair where needed without damaging your skin.

Treatment for unwanted hair:

Laser Hair Removal

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If you would like to further discuss these concerns, please fill out the consultation form

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